About the Michiana Rainbow Chamber
The Michiana Rainbow Chamber of Commerce is a Project of the LGBTQ Center of South Bend, Indiana.
The LGBTQ Center advances its mission to support and empower the LGBTQ community in various ways, including this project of business outreach. As part of its mission, it provides all office support and leadership to ensure the success of this Project.
For direct control, the Rainbow Chamber is run by a Steering Committee selected from among Chamber members. This Steering Committee organizes events and sets policy, subject to approval by the Center.
The Rainbow Chamber is not organized as an independent 501c6 Chamber of Commerce Organization and is not affiliated with or in competition with any other local Chambers, like South Bend Regional, Greater Elkhart, or Greater Niles. These geographic Chambers have different missions and constituencies, and we encourage our members to engage with them as appropriate.
What We’re About
Better business through LGBTQ-friendly policies and practices
To gather, develop, and disseminate best practices in LGBTQ-friendly business policies and practices; and to celebrate businesses who best represent those policies and practices
Build a public roster of LGBTQ-friendly businesses
Create a repository of best practices in LGBTQ-friendly business practices and policies
Conduct events to connect LGBTQ-friendly businesses with customers, employees, and partners
Recruit an active and creative Steering Committee to achieve Rainbow Chamber goals
Grow and develop the Rainbow Chamber concept to achieve its vision